Developed during The Fire Station Artists Studios ‘Artist in the community studio award commission’ 2005,
the Umbrella Project was an event based project that took place on 11.03.06 involving 6 walking tours, nearly 200 people, umbrellas and dance. The walking tours explored and mapped the changing physical and social makeup of the North East inner City of Dublin. The tours included a multi cultural shopping tour, a historical tour, urban wildlife tour, docklands tour and architectural tours. Each person carried umbrellas designed by
the artist for the project. A local dance group called the Young Dramateers choreographed by Ger Toner performed ‘singin' in the Rain’ on route. The event was extensively documented with video and photography that became a film and a book. This project was funded and supported by TheFire Station Artists Studios,
The Arts Council of Ireland, Dublin City Council,Atelier David Smith, and The Irish Architecture Foundation.

Photo by Mark Garry.

The Umbrella project design by Atelier David Smith won an ICAD bronze award 2006
and exhibited at Best of Irish Advertising and Design 2006.

Walking tour routes in Dublin city.

Photo by Katharine Lamb.

The Young Dramateers.

Photo by Louisa Sloane.
Photo by Cian Byrne.

Photo by Michael Durand.

Photo by Louisa Sloane.

Documentation of the event exhibited at the LAB, Dublin City Council Gallery.

Exhibition and book launch at the LAB, Dublin. Photo by Michael Durand.

The Umbrella project publication was designed by Atelier David Smith. The publication was awarded a Bronze ICAD award in 2007 and was exhibited at Best of Irish Advertising and Design 2007. The book includes essays by Gemma Tipton and Shane O'Toole.
As an event as part of the exhibition 'Pursuing work' 'Walk in Progress' in collaboration with an architectural analytic and author Oliver Schürer and Rhona Byrne. Curated by: Markus Bogensberger (A) and Gabu Heindl (A), HDA (House of Architecture) Graz / steirischer herbst 2006
"Work" presents works of art and architecture marked by affective labor and effective
recreation, new ways to work, as well as concepts of urban space under flexible work conditions in
postfordism. The umbrella project tour visited people in different sites of work places, from hotels, community initiatives, to a bedroom office.
"Work" presents works of art and architecture marked by affective labor and effective
recreation, new ways to work, as well as concepts of urban space under flexible work conditions in
postfordism. The umbrella project tour visited people in different sites of work places, from hotels, community initiatives, to a bedroom office.

Walk in Progress 'HDA (House of Architecture) Graz / steirischer herbst 2006'